The Missing Experience

4 questions 1 decision

Casey Truffo got these questions from Andrea Lee.
Below, I’m quoting Casey verbatim, who is partly quoting Andrea, but I changed one word. From business to relationship.

1. What is it you want for your relationship?

2. What is important to you?

3. What might you let stop you?

4. How can you prevent that from happening?

How do you break through a current obstacle that’s keeping you from where you want to be or even who you want to be.

Andrea Lee says,
A breakthrough is not a process, but a decision.
A decision to not stop yourself.
A decision to go for it.

Are you ready to be done with what is stopping you?

Like everyone, I have different sides. Counselor, photographer, writer, cooker of food – both spicy and plain, and seeker of truth and happiness. I have always taken an interest in the unassuming things that pass us by – both heard and seen, both ordinary and not so ordinary. They are all sacred and beautiful in some way.

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